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Worklog powered by hourly

2021-07-20 23:49:23.584658: clock-out

  • fixed data gap
  • yesterday's date gets overwritten when switching from 1d -> 1w

2021-07-20 22:11:47.205082: clock-in

2021-07-19 22:33:01.462182: clock-out

  • reverting timezone selection, too buggy

2021-07-19 21:19:53.074825: clock-in

2021-07-17 00:08:26.783140: clock-out: T-90m

2021-07-16 21:55:02.014683: clock-in

2021-07-16 18:42:02.356385: clock-out

  • nans are getting into time history

2021-07-16 17:48:06.108243: clock-in

2021-07-16 00:45:19.851415: clock-out

  • fixed timezone bugs
  • making the candlestick div an output of a callback

2021-07-15 22:00:42.033750: clock-in

2021-07-13 21:58:44.866482: clock-out

  • timezone not updating

2021-07-13 19:02:36.267901: clock-in

2021-07-13 18:35:44.693731: clock-out

  • using scripts only

2021-07-13 18:23:27.424677: clock-in

2021-07-12 17:26:13.055340: clock-out

  • add random walk . start at 100, add or subtract %5

2021-07-12 17:20:57.875340: clock-in

2021-07-12 13:15:13.360816: clock-out

2021-07-12 13:12:50.258447: clock-in

2021-07-11 22:18:53.811305: clock-out

  • looking for better source of price data

2021-07-11 22:09:08.999063: clock-in

2021-07-11 20:01:48.592014: clock-out

  • pushed 0.4.4
  • fetching to current time
  • separating today from history

2021-07-11 17:13:25.693903: clock-in

2021-07-11 00:19:27.392712: clock-out: T-30m

  • Relaxshi latin percrussion instruments
  • dxy indicator - the dollar?

2021-07-10 22:39:03.298483: clock-in

2021-07-10 16:53:52.536370: clock-out

  • removing gap logic for now
  • manual sync
  • refactoring history

2021-07-10 15:05:23.859541: clock-in

2021-07-09 20:23:02.366858: clock-out

  • fixed date fetching

2021-07-09 19:31:56.325477: clock-in

2021-07-09 02:12:29.621803: clock-out: T-1h

  • fetching in batch

2021-07-08 23:10:17.085199: clock-in

2021-07-08 01:54:10.939607: clock-out

  • querying in batches
  • added link to ariagora

2021-07-07 23:29:29.646292: clock-in

2021-07-06 23:42:37.763553: clock-out: T-15m

  • creating ssl cert

2021-07-06 23:05:10.961610: clock-in

2021-07-06 20:42:59.070321: clock-out

  • running docker-compose in background. not sure why april keeps loading

2021-07-06 20:28:36.899523: clock-in: T-20m

2021-07-06 11:58:10.830539: clock-out

  • removing cache sizes from production

2021-07-06 11:38:02.823668: clock-in: T-10m

2021-07-06 01:58:45.464038: clock-out

  • worked with Randy to set up
  • hyperlinking localhost
  • clarification of mounting options
  • mounting pwd into container instead of temporary directories
  • adding .env instructions
  • updating docker-compose instructions

2021-07-05 23:03:23.315253: clock-in

2021-07-05 14:21:49.553095: clock-out

  • fixed logo favicon

2021-07-05 12:33:12.753795: clock-in

  • removing src mount from production

2021-07-03 14:35:53.010888: clock-out

  • adding gunicorn
  • gunicorn==20.1.0

2021-07-03 12:14:24.538693: clock-in

2021-07-03 00:53:49.489949: clock-out

  • looking at umbrel submission procedure
  • How to build cross-platform
    docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 --tag apembroke/audiolizer:0.4.1 --output "type=registry" .
  • added LICENSE file

2021-07-02 23:58:07.637725: clock-in

2021-07-02 02:38:04.026531: clock-out: T-30m

  • activating jupytext
  • adding jupytext
  • running docker in docker: docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker

2021-07-02 01:20:37.871837: clock-in

2021-07-01 21:54:04.012894: clock-out: T-10m

  • fixed up environment variables

2021-07-01 21:02:06.092723: clock-in

2021-07-01 00:21:48.695052: clock-out

  • slimed down image

2021-06-30 23:27:37.784010: clock-in

2021-06-30 21:58:17.069562: clock-out: T-30m

2021-06-30 21:17:29.237422: clock-in

2021-06-30 00:25:43.952103: clock-out

  • slimming down pip packages Trying to conda install the following

RUN source /venv/bin/activate \
 && pip install  \
    audiogen-p3 MIDIUtil \
    dash-bootstrap-components \
 && pip install git+
* dash-daq has a conda-forge recipe * building Historic-Crypto from conda skeleton

2021-06-29 23:17:03.409827: clock-in

2021-06-29 21:49:15.649821: clock-out

  • multi stage fixes
  • adding bash init
  • keeping environment active
  • correcting conda init
  • switching to named environment audiolizer
  • correcting environment name
  • formatting
  • multi-stage build

  • using conda-pack to slim down images

2021-06-29 17:57:57.782630: clock-in

2021-06-27 14:24:34.558294: clock-out

  • dash react tutorial

2021-06-27 11:33:47.637563: clock-in

2021-06-27 10:19:16.480666: clock-out: T-15m

  • reading up on react-dash

2021-06-27 09:30:13.979558: clock-in

2021-06-26 22:18:21.224806: clock-out

  • pushed apembroke/audiolizer:0.4
  • added ticker options

2021-06-26 19:09:39.374354: clock-in

2021-06-26 18:09:56.490850: clock-out

  • responsive resizing
  • app.clientside_callback?

2021-06-26 16:29:02.448030: clock-in

  • alternative price data: bitstamp,

2021-06-26 01:25:53.646217: clock-out

  • fixed data gap

2021-06-26 00:32:14.224878: clock-in

2021-06-25 23:28:40.701319: clock-out

  • found price nans
  • shrinking RUN command
  • compressing docker image

2021-06-25 21:55:24.815029: clock-in

2021-06-24 23:18:45.354779: clock-out

  • switching to bootstrap
  • adding to current time to include more data

2021-06-24 21:51:49.598071: clock-in

2021-06-24 19:36:26.101766: clock-out

  • added csv compression, price files cache limit, initial start date
  • adding hourly promo
  • added python install instructions, fixed graph
  • adding open-dyslexic font
  • disabled draggable select
  • higher cadence options

2021-06-24 17:37:26.100709: clock-in

2021-06-24 13:30:10.823467: clock-out

  • meeting with Randy
  • include version number in interface
  • arpeggio?

2021-06-24 13:06:50.585857: clock-in

2021-06-23 23:26:02.451923: clock-out

  • got date radio buttons working
  • adding date range radio options
  • adding jupytext

2021-06-23 22:10:34.591225: clock-in

2021-06-23 02:30:03.974096: clock-out: T-30m

  • mounting source into container
  • added toggle for price type

2021-06-23 00:56:00.880577: clock-in

2021-06-22 23:57:20.974732: clock-out: T-5m

  • adding docker-compose

2021-06-22 23:42:55.152875: clock-in

2021-06-22 00:09:27.107340: clock-out

  • pushing apembroke/audiolizer:0.2
  • fixed bug in import
  • sample midi

2021-06-21 23:57:58.681256: clock-in

  • adding sample midi

2021-06-21 23:36:47.974003: clock-out

  • added favicon
  • moving into assets
  • icon courtesy of SiLVa
  • adding screen shot
  • ignoring wav and midi
  • added cache setting
  • filling data gaps
  • irig 2 setup

2021-06-21 20:06:43.967497: clock-in

2021-06-21 18:52:53.877091: clock-out

  • fixing data gaps

2021-06-21 17:59:56.336985: clock-in

2021-06-20 16:03:45.241495: clock-out

  • meeting with Randy

  • add floor function to normalize frequencies - accomplished through pitch conversion

  • slider that controls modulus on frequency [1, 100] so melody can cycle
  • 3 market displays - monthly, weekly, daily - put into a dial - multiple rows
  • umbrel as a distribution mechanism - be a good citizen w.r.t. disk space
  • estimate footprint of settings (size of files generated)
  • icon and screen shots
  • umbrel uses tor - is that a problem for coinbase price api? Consider privacy - Can this expose user's ip address?
  • scales - ease of use toggle between cmajor and aminor work well together
  • how to achieve harmony and melody is in the relationship between major and minor scales
  • market data would be like trebble clef (middle c and above) and another market feed as the bass clef (middle c and below) - lower case c is middle c - automated sheet music will help alot
  • weekly candles could be base cleff. hourly could be trebble
  • allow open/high/low/close selection - this is the same in music
  • audiolizer sounds great on the phone!
  • btc ledger as data source? umbrel platform gives access to all kinds of btc data...

required reading On the Sensations of Tone - Helmholtz The Study of Counterpoint: From Johann Joseph Fux's Gradus Ad Parnassum

2021-06-20 14:39:47.114093: clock-in

2021-06-20 00:38:28.710038: clock-out

  • pushing docker version
  • looking at html midi players:
  • javascript - but how to embed?
  • this is a really beautiful html-only midi system. we could build a dash component around this. That would open the door to custom instruments, etc.

  • added midi download

2021-06-19 21:56:47.016441: clock-in

2021-06-19 20:14:25.744423: clock-out

  • changed src to github raw

2021-06-19 20:13:50.087569: clock-in: T-4m

2021-06-19 20:08:24.558530: clock-out

  • a better sample illustrating duration

2021-06-19 19:37:22.200467: clock-in

2021-06-19 00:43:59.135736: clock-out

  • added code highlighting
  • sample audio
  • fixed site name

2021-06-19 00:43:16.152887: clock-in: T-14m

2021-06-19 00:28:38.532399: clock-out

  • added worklog

2021-06-19 00:05:44.387679: clock-in

2021-06-19 00:02:40.078861: clock-out

  • documentation improvements

2021-06-18 22:10:09.398018: clock-in

2021-06-18 21:07:39.810058: clock-out

  • adding docs
  • removed legend, added docs

2021-06-18 18:47:04.388103: clock-in

  • you can calculate the % data loaded by comparing list of missing files to those present

2021-06-18 00:25:05.504006: clock-out

  • updating instructions
  • running from audiolizer subdir

Running without temp directories:

docker run -p 8051:8051 -it apembroke/audiolizer

Running from temp directories:

docker run -v /tmp/audio_files:/home/audiolizer/audiolizer/assets -v /tmp/price_data:/home/audiolizer/audiolizer/history -p 8051:8051 -it apembroke/audiolizer
* setting environment variable * moving install paths * creating cache directories * building docker image * building docker image from clean git repo

git archive --format=tar --prefix=audiolizer/ HEAD | (cd /tmp && tar xf -)
docker build -t apembroke/audiolizer -f /tmp/audiolizer/Dockerfile /tmp/audiolizer
* adding midi * tempo in yaml * added tempo * midi example

from midiutil import MIDIFile

degrees  = [60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72]  # MIDI note number
track    = 0
channel  = 0
time     = 0    # In beats
duration = 1    # In beats
tempo    = 60   # In BPM
volume   = 100  # 0-127, as per the MIDI standard

MyMIDI = MIDIFile(1)  # One track, defaults to format 1 (tempo track is created
                      # automatically)
MyMIDI.addTempo(track, time, tempo)

for i, pitch in enumerate(degrees):
    MyMIDI.addNote(track, channel, pitch, time + i, duration, volume)

with open("major-scale.mid", "wb") as output_file:

2021-06-17 22:29:08.889910: clock-in

2021-06-17 21:59:46.147344: clock-out

  • allowing date range to load on the fly Check out ableton, midi

8 measures, 4/4 time, push the tempo.. 1440 beats per minute 3 hour candles? 8 beats

2021-06-17 21:34:12.651429: clock-in

2021-06-15 23:29:37.846516: clock-out

  • saving historical data in daily files

2021-06-15 21:52:35.466441: clock-in

2021-06-14 23:36:15.632618: clock-out: T-45m

2021-06-14 22:03:32.676556: clock-in

2021-06-13 23:38:42.855196: clock-out: T-10m

  • added sub range select

2021-06-13 22:32:12.627082: clock-in

2021-06-13 16:40:53.909382: clock-out

  • testing start,end playback

2021-06-13 15:57:20.258581: clock-in

2021-06-13 13:11:47.189135: clock-out: T-10m

  • building in docker

2021-06-13 11:44:34.643876: clock-in

2021-06-12 23:44:04.566372: clock-out: T-10m

2021-06-12 23:32:14.026151: clock-in

2021-06-12 23:15:40.277053: clock-out

  • added rests toggle

2021-06-12 23:04:15.082670: clock-in

2021-06-12 14:00:50.574441: clock-out

  • merge toggle

2021-06-12 12:50:03.490012: clock-in

2021-06-10 22:50:35.107916: clock-out

  • merging by amplitude

2021-06-10 21:26:00.698998: clock-in

2021-06-10 21:25:20.990707: clock-out

2021-06-10 20:33:18.558354: clock-in

2021-06-10 01:05:01.630823: clock-out

  • merged pitches, added rests, tone pitch dropdown

2021-06-09 22:56:32.687035: clock-in

2021-06-08 22:24:48.237340: clock-out

  • added pitch range slider

2021-06-08 20:36:05.302294: clock-in

2021-05-31 12:01:32.717887: clock-out

2021-05-31 11:48:25.059119: clock-in

2021-05-31 11:24:43.444204: clock-out: T-13h

2021-05-30 19:57:04.403863: clock-in

2021-05-30 19:30:13.440804: clock-out: T-1h

2021-05-30 17:28:19.136269: clock-in

2021-05-30 02:33:40.434820: clock-out

  • basic dash layout, test beeping, loading price history

2021-05-30 02:32:35.340810: clock-in: T-1h

2021-05-29 23:18:41.414068: clock-out: T-1h

2021-05-29 20:06:06.278965: clock-in

2021-05-29 19:54:28.225556: clock-out: T-3h

  • installing requirements

2021-05-29 15:49:10.496087: clock-in