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2022-01-30 13:45:40.108177: clock-out

  • trying to add comments

2022-01-30 12:29:06.924118: clock-in

2022-01-30 01:04:28.999103: clock-out

  • reorg
  • response to "Bitcoin is not a Battery — it is a Sink" by Elad Verbin

2022-01-29 23:15:39.473113: clock-in

2021-07-05 23:01:10.260068: clock-out

  • clubhouse

2021-07-05 23:00:51.796601: clock-in: T-3h

2021-07-05 19:36:57.722684: clock-out

  • bitcoin physics on clubhouse

2021-07-05 16:39:29.903082: clock-in

2021-07-05 12:33:05.694791: clock-out

2021-07-05 12:28:56.632116: clock-in

2021-07-05 02:09:52.143478: clock-out

  • summary of entropy, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy

2021-07-04 23:56:04.847315: clock-in: T-10m